February is sometimes referred to the month of love. It is the month in which Valentine's Day takes place. It is the month when many people will get engaged. And it's the last full month of winter...which is what I love the most!
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I thought I'd share a few great gift ideas that won't break the bank.
1. Write It Down
Every year for my kids I do 14 days of love notes. I buy a stack of colored heart-shaped paper from the dollar store and from February 1st and each day leading up to Valentine's Day, I write down one reason why I love them on the paper and tape it do their door. It gives them a visual reminder of the love I have for them and it also gives me a chance to think of all the little cute things about them that I enjoy.
You can do the same for your spouse or partner, the same idea could work or you could tone it down by writing a heartfelt love letter to present on Valentine's Day. My husband writes me love letters all of the time and I keep them in a special box. Those mean more to me than any gift he could ever give me.
2. Dinner & A Movie...At Home
If you haven't already made your Valentine's Dinner reservation, then you're probably too late. But not to worry...create the same experience for you and your partner at home.
First, choose dinner selections that your partner likes. [This is not about you.] Think about what their favorite entree is and add to that their favorite side items and beverage, then make your list and head to the grocery store. Or if you'd rather pick up something pre-cooked, that'll work too.
Once you put it all together, present it in your best serving dishes and prettiest glasses. Break out the candles to create an intimate dinner experience.
Once done, head on over to the couch and queue up a good Netflix movie (partners's choice, of course) and let snuggle time commence! Whatever you do after that is up to you (wink, wink)
[For recipe ideas, I go here.]
3. Flowers Never Fail
Most people, men or women, love receiving flowers...especially if it's unexpected. When I used to work in an office and received flowers for Valentine's Day, it made me feel so excited. Every time someone would receive a bouquet in the office on Valentine's Day, we'd be so happy and the anticipation would build for whomever would receive one next.
If you choose to send or give flowers, try to think outside the box. Don't give the typical Valentine's Day red roses (unless he or she really likes red roses). Try a different kind of flower or mix of flowers with beautiful, vibrant colors.
My favorites are orchids, lilies, and hydrangeas. So beautiful and exotic!
Add to that a heartfelt love note and you're golden!
If you're in the Houston area, check out Va Va Bloom Flowers or your local flower shop to see the variety of flower and bouquet options available, besides the red rose.
Whatever route you take for gift-giving this Valentine's Day, remember you don't have to break the bank, but you should definitely take some time to give a thoughtful and personalized gift.
Be sure to take advantage of the Arm Candy Valentine's Day gift set sale going on this week on Facebook and Instagram.
What is your favorite gift-giving idea for Valentine's Day?
Photo by Mira Bozhko on Unsplash